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The world’s largest geothermal lagoon to be built in Canada

VRead complete article on Interesting Engineering  It will be powered by a mix of photovoltaic, biomass, and geothermal energies, with solar heating chipping in too. The world's largest geothermal lagoon is planned at Charlevoix, a...

[EN] Largest Geothermal Lagoon Coming To A Canadian Province Near You!

Lire l'article complet sur Digital Daily  A 130,000 sq. ft. (12,000 sq. meter) geothermal lagoon is under works in Charlevoix, Canada, around 45 minutes from Quebec City. The lagoon, if successfully built, will be the...

[ES] La laguna geotérmica más grande del mundo se construirá en Canadá

Read complete article on  Situada a 45 minutos de Quebec, emulará al fantástico balneario natural conocido como Laguna Azul que existe en Islandia. Una laguna azul gigante será una realidad muy pronto cerca de Quebec,...

World's largest geothermal lagoon planned for Canada

Read complete article on New Atlas  New Atlas is an international science magazine that reaches 3.5 million readers worldwide Plans are afoot for a magnificent new open air lagoon in Canada that will be kept...

Canada Is Working On the World’s Largest Geothermal Solar Lagoon

Read the complete article on  Petite-Rivière-Saint-François has never been considered much of a tourist destination. The tiny Quebec town is typically regarded as a pass-through municipality on the way to Canada’s Charlevoix region, an...

[CN] 完爆冰岛蓝湖!加拿大将连建9个世界最大温泉度假村

Read complete article on INFO51 若论世界上最宏伟、最美丽、最有知名度的温泉,位于冰岛的Blue Lagoon蓝湖温泉一定是其中之一。它距离雷克雅未克机场只有20公里,深受游客欢迎,也入选了世界25大奇迹列表。 其实,蓝湖温泉的全名是“蓝色泻湖”温泉,属于人造景点,不是天然温泉,里面的温泉水是由旁边的地热发电厂Savartsengi提供。不过游客并不在乎这些,只要体验好就行。 因为这类泻湖温泉的水温在37到39℃之间,富含二氧化硅、盐分和藻类,有益健康。冰岛蓝湖温泉每年能吸引100万人次的游客,足见其地位。 有不少加拿大人爱去冰岛旅行,在拍摄绝美风光之余,普遍会选择在蓝湖温泉放个松。目前的加拿大,可没有这种大型泻湖温泉,但别急,因为马上就要开建了,而且是一连建9座! 魁北克小镇,将迎来全国第一个蓝湖温泉 距离魁北克城一小时的Petite-Rivière-Saint-François小镇并不为人熟知,人口只有800人,算不上是旅游景点,但它将会成为加拿大第一个“蓝湖温泉”的所在地。以后去魁北克城的游客有福了,还能顺带去一次加拿大的蓝湖温泉。  [...]   Read complete article on INFO51

[FR] Voici les premières images de l'énorme « lagon bleu » qui sera aménagé au Québec

Read full article on Narcity Quebec  Il y en aura plusieurs à travers la province. 😮 Bientôt, tu n'auras plus à voyager jusqu'en Islande pour vivre l'expérience du Blue Lagoon, cette célèbre station thermale à l'eau turquoise,...

Quebec Is Getting 4 Geothermal Villages With Giant Lagoons & Rentable Chalets (RENDERINGS)

Read full article on MTLBLOG  The housing network will produce and sustain its own energy. Quebec could soon be home to not one but four geothermal villages built around a central lagoon. Less than an...

[RU] В Канаде появится самая большая в мире геотермальная лагуна (ФОТО)

Read full article on Nash Vancouver    Луи Массикотте, технопредприниматель и разработчик проекта geoLAGON рассказал, что лагуна площадью 120 000 кв. футов будет нагреваться до 38ºC круглый год.По словам Массикотте, при создании этого туристического объекта...

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